Advocacy Efforts

ConnecT1D works with other organizations to make sure that the voice of people with Type 1 Diabetes is considered in regulatory and legislative discussions.

We've launched a new initiative where people can sign up to be advocates - check it out at

August 8, 2016 Update
Prior Authorization for Long Acting Insulin

Thank you for your help! We had 353 people from Washington State sign our letter to the Washington State Health Care Authority. We'll keep this site updated with additional news!

Background: on July 1, the State of Washington created a new drug class for long acting insulin. This means that for the first time, all long acting insulin is subject to a prior authorization before being prescribed. Yes, we think that is ridiculous too.

If you agree with us that insulin should not be subject to prior authorization in order to be prescribed, please read the letter below and add your name to it. The more signatures we get, the more impactful our message and our opportunity to get this decision reconsidered.

You should also check out some of the great work being done by other advocacy organizations:

Want to learn more or get updates on advocacy efforts? Sign up for the Newsletter below and we'll be in touch!