
Remix Conference - Saturday Speaker Recordings

All currently posted videos are in the Playlist below. You can also find them on our YouTube Channel, subscribe on YouTube for a notification of new videos added.

Recordings available:

Advocacy - Madi Johnson and Jake Johnston

Ask Me Anything - Those with T1D ask those supporting someone living with T1D

Ask Me Anything - Those supporting someone living with T1D ask someone with T1D.

Ask Me Anything - Teens answer your questions about living with T1D.

A Conversation with Congresswoman Kim Schrier - As a Dr. and someone who lives with T1D Rep. Schrier has a unique perspective.

Diabetes Devices and Tools - Jennifer Okemah

DIY Looping - James and Carson Wedding

Transitioning from Pediatric to Adult Healthcare - Kate Weaver

Traveling and T1D - Andrea ‘Lala’ Williams and Dr. Jody Stanislaw

Exercising with T1D - Andrea ‘Lala’ Williams and Catherine ‘Capt’n’ Adams

Check out the entire playlist on our Youtube channel.